This is an update from my event calendar. Evencal using :
Codeigniter 2.1.3update Codeigniter 3- jQuery 1.7.2
- jQuery Colorbox
- CSS Notification Boxes
This is screenshoot :
At first, create code SQL for database Evencal. This application using MYSQL Database :
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `events` ( `event_date` date NOT NULL, `total_events` int(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`event_date`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `event_detail` ( `idevent` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `event_date` date NOT NULL, `event_time` time NOT NULL, `event` varchar(200) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`idevent`), KEY `event_date` (`event_date`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=34 ; ALTER TABLE `event_detail` ADD CONSTRAINT `event_detail_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`event_date`) REFERENCES `events` (`event_date`);
and then create controller evencal.php
class Evencal extends CI_Controller { function __construct(){ parent::__construct(); $this->load->model('evencal_model', 'evencal'); $this->load->library('calendar', $this->_setting()); } function index($year = null, $month = null, $day = null){ $year = (empty($year) || !is_numeric($year))? date('Y') : $year; $month = (is_numeric($month) && $month > 0 && $month < 13)? $month : date('m'); $day = (is_numeric($day) && $day > 0 && $day < 31)? $day : date('d'); $date = $this->evencal->getDateEvent($year, $month); $cur_event = $this->evencal->getEvent($year, $month, $day); $data = array( 'notes' => $this->calendar->generate($year, $month, $date), 'year' => $year, 'mon' => $month, 'month' => $this->_month($month), 'day' => $day, 'events'=> $cur_event ); $this->load->view('index', $data); } // for convert (int) month to (string) month in Indonesian function _month($month){ $month = (int) $month; switch($month){ case 1 : $month = 'Januari'; Break; case 2 : $month = 'Februari'; Break; case 3 : $month = 'Maret'; Break; case 4 : $month = 'April'; Break; case 5 : $month = 'Mei'; Break; case 6 : $month = 'Juni'; Break; case 7 : $month = 'Juli'; Break; case 8 : $month = 'Agustus'; Break; case 9 : $month = 'September'; Break; case 10 : $month = 'Oktober'; Break; case 11 : $month = 'November'; Break; case 12 : $month = 'Desember'; Break; } return $month; } // get detail event for selected date function detail_event(){ $this->form_validation->set_rules('year', 'Year', 'trim|required|is_natural_no_zero|xss_clean'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('mon', 'Month', 'trim|required|is_natural_no_zero|less_than[13]|xss_clean'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('day', 'Day', 'trim|required|is_natural_no_zero|less_than[32]|xss_clean'); if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE){ echo json_encode(array('status' => false, 'title_msg' => 'Error', 'msg' => 'Please insert valid value')); }else{ $data = $this->evencal->getEvent($this->input->post('year'), $this->input->post('mon'), $this->input->post('day')); if($data == null){ echo json_encode(array('status' => false, 'title_msg' => 'No Event', 'msg' => 'There\'s no event in this date')); }else{ echo json_encode(array('status' => true, 'data' => $data)); } } } // popup for adding event function add_event(){ $data = array( 'day' => $this->input->post('day'), 'mon' => $this->input->post('mon'), 'month' => $this->_month($this->input->post('mon')), 'year' => $this->input->post('year'), ); $this->load->view('add_event', $data); } // do adding event for selected date function do_add(){ $this->form_validation->set_rules('year', 'Year', 'trim|required|is_natural_no_zero|xss_clean'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('mon', 'Month', 'trim|required|is_natural_no_zero|less_than[13]|xss_clean'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('day', 'Day', 'trim|required|is_natural_no_zero|less_than[32]|xss_clean'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('hour', 'Hour', 'trim|required|xss_clean'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('minute', 'Minute', 'trim|required|xss_clean'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('event', 'Event', 'trim|required|xss_clean'); if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE){ echo json_encode(array('status' => false, 'title_msg' => 'Error', 'msg' => 'Please insert valid value')); }else{ $this->evencal->addEvent($this->input->post('year'), $this->input->post('mon'), $this->input->post('day'), $this->input->post('hour').":".$this->input->post('minute').":00", $this->input->post('event')); echo json_encode(array('status' => true, 'time' => $this->input->post('time'), 'event' => $this->input->post('event'))); } } // delete event function delete_event(){ $this->form_validation->set_rules('year', 'Year', 'trim|required|is_natural_no_zero|xss_clean'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('mon', 'Month', 'trim|required|is_natural_no_zero|less_than[13]|xss_clean'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('day', 'Day', 'trim|required|is_natural_no_zero|less_than[32]|xss_clean'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('del', 'ID', 'trim|required|is_natural_no_zero|xss_clean'); if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE){ echo json_encode(array('status' => false)); }else{ $rows = $this->evencal->deleteEvent($this->input->post('year'),$this->input->post('mon'),$this->input->post('day'), $this->input->post('del')); if($rows > 0){ echo json_encode(array('status' => true, 'row' => $rows)); }else{ echo json_encode(array('status' => true, 'row' => $rows, 'title_msg' => 'No Event', 'msg' => 'There\'s no event in this date')); } } } // same as index() function function detail($year = null, $month = null, $day = null){ $year = (empty($year) || !is_numeric($year))? date('Y') : $year; $month = (is_numeric($month) && $month > 0 && $month < 13)? $month : date('m'); $day = (is_numeric($day) && $day > 0 && $day < 31)? $day : date('d'); $date = $this->evencal->getDateEvent($year, $month); $cur_event = $this->evencal->getEvent($year, $month, $day); $data = array( 'notes' => $this->calendar->generate($year, $month, $date), 'year' => $year, 'mon' => $month, 'month' => $this->_month($month), 'day' => $day, 'events'=> $cur_event ); $this->load->view('index', $data); } // setting for calendar function _setting(){ return array( 'start_day' => 'monday', 'show_next_prev' => true, 'next_prev_url' => site_url('evencal/index'), 'month_type' => 'long', 'day_type' => 'short', 'template' => '{table_open}<table class="date">{/table_open} {heading_row_start} {/heading_row_start} {heading_previous_cell}<caption><a href="{previous_url}" class="prev_date" title="Previous Month"><<Prev</a>{/heading_previous_cell} {heading_title_cell}{heading}{/heading_title_cell} {heading_next_cell}<a href="{next_url}" class="next_date" title="Next Month">Next>></a></caption>{/heading_next_cell} {heading_row_end}<col class="weekday" span="5"><col class="weekend_sat"><col class="weekend_sun">{/heading_row_end} {week_row_start}<thead><tr>{/week_row_start} {week_day_cell}<th>{week_day}</th>{/week_day_cell} {week_row_end}</tr></thead><tbody>{/week_row_end} {cal_row_start}<tr>{/cal_row_start} {cal_cell_start}<td>{/cal_cell_start} {cal_cell_content}<div class="date_event detail" val="{day}"><span class="date">{day}</span><span class="event d{day}">{content}</span></div>{/cal_cell_content} {cal_cell_content_today}<div class="active_date_event detail" val="{day}"><span class="date">{day}</span><span class="event d{day}">{content}</span></div>{/cal_cell_content_today} {cal_cell_no_content}<div class="no_event detail" val="{day}"><span class="date">{day}</span><span class="event d{day}"> </span></div>{/cal_cell_no_content} {cal_cell_no_content_today}<div class="active_no_event detail" val="{day}"><span class="date">{day}</span><span class="event d{day}"> </span></div>{/cal_cell_no_content_today} {cal_cell_blank} {/cal_cell_blank} {cal_cell_end}</td>{/cal_cell_end} {cal_row_end}</tr>{/cal_row_end} {table_close}</tbody></table>{/table_close}'); } }
and then for the model evencal_model.php
class Evencal_model extends CI_Model { // for get all event date in one month function getDateEvent($year, $month){ $year = ($month < 10 && strlen($month) == 1) ? "$year-0$month" : "$year-$month"; $query = $this->db->select('event_date, total_events')->from('events')->like('event_date', $year, 'after')->get(); if($query->num_rows() > 0){ $data = array(); foreach($query->result_array() as $row){ $data[(int) end(explode('-',$row['event_date']))] = $row['total_events']; } return $data; }else{ return false; } } // get event detail for selected date function getEvent($year, $month, $day){ $day = ($day < 10 && strlen($day) == 1)? "0$day" : $day; $year = ($month < 10 && strlen($month) == 1) ? "$year-0$month-$day" : "$year-$month-$day"; $query = $this->db->select('idevent as id, event_time as time, event')->order_by('event_time')->get_where('event_detail', array('event_date' => $year)); if($query->num_rows() > 0){ return $query->result_array(); }else{ return null; } } // insert event function addEvent($year, $month, $day, $time, $event){ $check = $this->db->get_where('events', array('event_date' => "$year-$month-$day")); if($check->num_rows() > 0){ $this->db->query("UPDATE events SET total_events = total_events + 1 WHERE event_date = ?", array("$year-$month-$day")); $this->db->insert('event_detail', array('event_date' => "$year-$month-$day", 'event_time' => $time, 'event' => $event)); }else{ $this->db->insert('events', array('event_date' => "$year-$month-$day", 'total_events' => 1)); $this->db->insert('event_detail', array('event_date' => "$year-$month-$day", 'event_time' => $time, 'event' => $event)); } } // delete event function deleteEvent($year, $month, $day, $id){ $this->db->delete("event_detail", array('idevent' => $id, 'event_date' => "$year-$month-$day")); $check = $this->db->query('SELECT count(*) as total FROM event_detail WHERE event_date = ?', array("$year-$month-$day"))->row(); if($check->total > 0){ $this->db->update('events', array('total_events' => $check->total), array('event_date' => "$year-$month-$day")); }else{ $this->db->delete("events", array('event_date' => "$year-$month-$day")); } return $check->total; } }
and for the view, just have 2 views in this application
first view, index.php
<html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>My Event Calendar (Evencal)</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo base_url()?>css/style.css"/> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo base_url();?>css/colorbox.css"/> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url();?>js/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo base_url();?>js/jquery.colorbox-min.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="evencal"> <div class="calendar"> <?php echo $notes?> <span>by <a href=""><strong></strong></a></span> </div> <div class="event_detail"> <h2 class="s_date">Detail Event <?php echo "$day $month $year";?></h2> <div class="detail_event"> <?php if(isset($events)){ $i = 1; foreach($events as $e){ if($i % 2 == 0){ echo '<div class="info1"><h4>'.$e['time'].'<img src="'.base_url().'css/images/delete.png" class="delete" alt="" title="delete this event" day="'.$day.'" val="'.$e['id'].'" /></h4><p>'.$e['event'].'</p></div>'; }else{ echo '<div class="info2"><h4>'.$e['time'].'<img src="'.base_url().'css/images/delete.png" class="delete" alt="" title="delete this event" day="'.$day.'" val="'.$e['id'].'" /></h4><p>'.$e['event'].'</p></div>'; } $i++; } }else{ echo '<div class="message"><h4>No Event</h4><p>There\'s no event in this date</p></div>'; } ?> <input type="button" name="add" value="Add Event" val="<?php echo $day;?>" class="add_event"/> </div> </div> </div> <script> $(".detail").live('click',function(){ $(".s_date").html("Detail Event for "+$(this).attr('val')+" <?php echo "$month $year";?>"); var day = $(this).attr('val'); var add = '<input type="button" name="add" value="Add Event" val="'+day+'" class="add_event"/>'; $.ajax({ type: 'post', dataType: 'json', url: "<?php echo site_url("evencal/detail_event");?>", data:{<?php echo "year: $year, mon: $mon";?>, day: day}, success: function( data ) { var html = ''; if(data.status){ var i = 1; $.each(, function(index, value) { if(i % 2 == 0){ html = html+'<div class="info1"><h4>'+value.time+'<img src="<?php echo base_url();?>css/images/delete.png" class="delete" alt="" title="delete this event" day="'+day+'" val="''" /></h4><p>'+value.event+'</p></div>'; }else{ html = html+'<div class="info2"><h4>'+value.time+'<img src="<?php echo base_url();?>css/images/delete.png" class="delete" alt="" title="delete this event" day="'+day+'" val="''" /></h4><p>'+value.event+'</p></div>'; } i++; }); }else{ html = '<div class="message"><h4>'+data.title_msg+'</h4><p>'+data.msg+'</p></div>'; } html = html+add; $( ".detail_event" ).fadeOut("slow").fadeIn("slow").html(html); } }); }); $(".delete").live("click", function() { if(confirm('Are you sure delete this event ?')){ var deleted = $(this).parent().parent(); var day = $(this).attr('day'); var add = '<input type="button" name="add" value="Add Event" val="'+day+'" class="add_event"/>'; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: "<?php echo site_url("evencal/delete_event");?>", data:{<?php echo "year: $year, mon: $mon";?>, day: day,del: $(this).attr('val')}, success: function(data) { if(data.status){ if(data.row > 0){ $('.d'+day).html(data.row); }else{ $('.d'+day).html(''); $( ".detail_event" ).fadeOut("slow").fadeIn("slow").html('<div class="message"><h4>'+data.title_msg+'</h4><p>'+data.msg+'</p></div>'+add); } deleted.remove(); }else{ alert('an error for deleting event'); } } }); } }); $(".add_event").live('click', function(){ $.colorbox({ overlayClose: false, href: '<?php echo site_url('evencal/add_event');?>', data:{year:<?php echo $year;?>,mon:<?php echo $mon;?>, day: $(this).attr('val')} }); }); </script> </body> </html>
and second view for add event form, add_event.php
<?php $h = '<select name="hour" id="hour">'; $m = '<select name="minute" id="minute">'; for($i = 0; $i< 60; $i++){ if($i < 24){ $h .= '<option value="'.(($i > 9)? $i : "0$i").'">'.(($i > 9)? $i : "0$i").'</option>'; } $m .= '<option value="'.(($i > 9)? $i : "0$i").'">'.(($i > 9)? $i : "0$i").'</option>'; } $h .= '</select>'; $m .= '</select>'; ?> <div style="width:500px; height:135px; overflow:auto; color:#000000; margin-bottom:20px;" align="center"> <h4>Adding event for <?php echo "$day $month $year"?></h4> <div class="spacer"></div> <table> <tr><td>Time <span class="require">*</span></td><td>:</td><td><?php echo "$h : $m";?> : <select name="second" disabled><option value="00">00</option></select></td></tr> <tr><td>Event <span class="require">*</span></td><td>:</td><td><input type="text" name="event" id="event" maxlength="50" size="50" /></td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2"></td><td><input type="button" name="cancel" value="Cancel" class="cancel"> <input type="button" name="save" value="Save" class="save"></td></tr> </table> <script> $('.cancel').click(function(){ var data = false; $.fn.colorbox.close(data); }); $('.save').click(function(){ if($('#event').val().length > 0){ $.ajax({ type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: "<?php echo site_url("evencal/do_add");?>", data:{<?php echo "year:$year,mon:$mon,day:$day";?>, hour:$('#hour').val(), minute: $('#minute').val(), event:$('#event').val()}, success: function(data) { if(data.status){ //$.fn.colorbox.close(data); window.location = '<?php echo site_url("evencal/detail/$year/$mon/$day")?>'; }else{ $('.spacer').html(data.message); } } }); }else{ $('.spacer').html('Please complete the field') $('#event').attr('class','error_require'); } }); </script> </div>
and last, for autoload component in codeigniter
$autoload['libraries'] = array('database','form_validation'); $autoload['helper'] = array('url','form','html');
That's all about my sharing for Multiple Event Calendar - Evencal with codeigniter.
Sorry about my english :D
You can download the source in my github repo.
Keywords : Codeigniter Multiple Event Calendar, Event Calendar, Calendar
To appreciate the IPR (Intellectual Property Rights), reference sources that I use and I have learned will be displayed.
Referensi : Codeigniter User Guide,
Author : Moch. Zawaruddin Abdullah,
Bagus banget informasi dan ilmunya kakak..
BalasHapustapi saya ada sedikit masalah nie kak, padahal semua file dah saya tempatkan sesuai dg tmptnya, tp ada pesan error sbg berikut :
Fatal error: Call to undefined function site_url() in C:\xampp\htdocs\ci_kalender_events\application\controllers\evencal.php on line 151
mohon pencerahannya..
how to edit multiple evnets?......
BalasHapuswell... this application is not using action to edit the event, just insert and delete.... my bad... :)
Hapusi want to edit it please help me?
HapusPlease Explain How to edit it?
Hapusplease explain to me
Hapuswhat do you mean "edit" in this case?
edit code of the program, or make feature to edit the event ?
how to edit an inserted event???????..............
BalasHapussorry late reply...
Hapuswell... i think you can make edit event by learning "insert event" scenario in the source code...
Really helpful and thank u
BalasHapushi nice code it really helped me..
BalasHapusi was wondering what is .detail in $(".detail").live('click',function(){ ?
i was looking for that class but can't find it
you can find in controller, at function _setting()
Hapusthankyou :)
Hapus$this->load->model('evencal_model', 'evencal'); where is evencal model???
BalasHapusHello , Can you please try to add / provide Edit Event [ on particular date ] functionality . that will complete your event-calendar-with-codeigniter.
BalasHapuswell ... I'll try to re-create the event calendar if I've spare time ....: D
Hapushi, can you please make the link of the calendar everytime it was clicked it will not refresh/reload
BalasHapuskeren kang..... ane pelajari ya... (y)
BalasHapuskomentatore banyak yang inggriss.. :D
ok gan... iye nih, pengen post pake b.Ing jd ya yg komen kbanyakan pake b.Ing... hehe
Hapushello, i have the model, controller, and view in place... even javascript and css are in place, but when i save event from the pop up add event, it just does nothing.. am i missing somthing, seems like ajax is working as if i leave the field empty, it tells me to complete the event field... please help.. fyi i want to add this evencal in my codeignitor project
BalasHapuscheck your config for csrf_protection value.
Hapusif true, you should add some parameter in ajax to post csrf_token_name and csrf_cookie_name
Hi, I have just the exact same problem, though my csrf_protection value is set on true. Any idea what might cause this problem then?
Hapustry to send csrt key and csrf token in ajax...
$this->security->get_csrf_token_name() for csrf key and
$this->security->get_csrf_hash() for csrf token
var key = '< ?php ech o $this->security->get_csrf_token_name()?>';
var token = '< ?php ech o $this->security->get_csrf_hash()?>';
type: 'POST',
url: 'your-url',
data: $('#your-form').serialize() + "&"+key+"=" + token,
success: function(data){
kalau di implementasiin di codeigniter bisa?
BalasHapusya bisa ini memang untuk codeigniter....
Hapushello i am trying to integrate evencal in Codeignitor 3 but i get error in evencal_model
BalasHapusA PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Runtime Notice
Message: Only variables should be passed by reference
Filename: models/evencal_model.php
Line Number: 16
File: C:\xampp\htdocs\CMS1\application\models\evencal_model.php
Line: 16
Function: _error_handler
File: C:\xampp\htdocs\CMS1\application\controllers\evencal.php
Line: 20
Function: getDateEvent
File: C:\xampp\htdocs\CMS1\index.php
Line: 292
Function: require_once
Is there anything i am missing
line 16 of evencal_model
$data[(int) end(explode('-',$row['event_date']))] = $row['total_events'];
i made evencal using CI 2.1.3 so, please check
for upgrading from previous version....
sorry didn't understand
HapusThis is a restriction in the PHP language
Hapustry to change line 20-23 Evencal_model
foreach($query->result_array() as $row){
$data[(int) end(explode('-',$row['event_date']))] = $row['total_events'];
foreach($query->result_array() as $row){
$ddata = explode('-',$row['event_date']);
$data[(int) end($ddata)] = $row['total_events'];
if you use it in codeigniter 3.x, make sure to edit/remove
rules "xss_clean" in form_validation. This rule has deprecated by CI.
Try to use second parameter ( $this->input->post('somepost', true)) instead of "xss_clean" rule.
Hello vcan i chnage the language? I need this in protugueses
BalasHapusyou can edit on evencal controller and config for protugueses.
HapusA PHP Error was encountered
BalasHapusSeverity: Notice
Message: Only variables should be passed by reference
Filename: models/evencal_model.php
Line Number: 21
File: C:\xampp\htdocs\tmci\application\models\evencal_model.php
Line: 21
Function: _error_handler
File: C:\xampp\htdocs\tmci\application\controllers\evencal.php
Line: 25
Function: getDateEvent
File: C:\xampp\htdocs\tmci\index.php
Line: 292
Function: require_once
This is a restriction in the PHP language
Hapustry to change line 20-23 Evencal_model
foreach($query->result_array() as $row){
$data[(int) end(explode('-',$row['event_date']))] = $row['total_events'];
foreach($query->result_array() as $row){
$ddata = explode('-',$row['event_date']);
$data[(int) end($ddata)] = $row['total_events'];
if you use it in codeigniter 3.x, make sure to edit/remove
rules "xss_clean" in form_validation. This rule has deprecated by CI.
Try to use second parameter ( $this->input->post('somepost', true)) instead of "xss_clean" rule.
mulitiple users add event same date not working
BalasHapusbuena tarde , muy bueno tu trabajo, descargue todo el codigo y al momento de visualizarlo en la web no se ve igual como el del inicio del documento. y ningun enlace funciona. que estare haciendo mal? le agradesco su respuesta, debido que quisiera implementar este codigo en mi proyecto para poder terminar mi semestre bien. gracias
BalasHapuscan u writing in english please...
Hapusthis code have upgrade from CI 2.x into CI 3.x
buena tarde , el problema era el que mencionaste. gracias por tu apoyo... tengo otra duda.. sabes que estoy trabajando en mi proyecto del semestre y tengo varios botones los cuales me dirigen a acciones diferentes, uno de esos botones me dirigen a tu proyecto de eventos, el problema es que me aparece el calendario pero no hace nada y tampoco muestra el css. espero su pronta respuesta gracias.
Hapusi wish it can help your problem...
Hapusopen config.php in application/config/config.php
edit this code
$config['base_url'] = 'http://localhost/evencal';
$root = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
$config['base_url'] = "$root";
Saya coba masukkan ke hosting tapi munculnya 404 page not found... di application/config/config.php sudah saya rubah $config['base_url'] sudah saya rubah ke nama domain saya... database juga sudah saya ganti tapi tetap 404 page not found... saya tidak menggunakan .htaccess mohon pencerahannya... timakasih sebelumnya
BalasHapushosting biasanya adalah linux, jd usahakan penamaan controller, model dan view nya sesuai...
HapusCan you give me the full code in zip including jQuery 1.7.2, jQuery Colorbox and CSS Notification Boxes? I'm sorry.
BalasHapuswell, you can see in the end of my article, i give link to download it.... thank you.
Hapuscan i display the event details in a new page without using jquery?
BalasHapusini bisa gk di codeigniter 3?
BalasHapussudah update CI 3 gan
Hapushow to save the events. its not working.. can u help me?
BalasHapuswhy save button not working.. i can't put the events in calendar.. can you help me sir?
BalasHapusmake sure your button class property is "save".
HapusGan mau tanya kalau errornya begini gimana?
BalasHapusA PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Only variables should be passed by reference
Filename: models/evencal_model.php
Line Number: 12
File: C:\xampp\htdocs\backend_sales\application\models\evencal_model.php
Line: 12
Function: _error_handler
File: C:\xampp\htdocs\backend_sales\application\controllers\Evencal.php
Line: 124
Function: getDateEvent
File: C:\xampp\htdocs\backend_sales\index.php
Line: 315
Function: require_once
coba cek ini
Hapusgan mau tanya kalau errornya begini gimana?
BalasHapusA PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Only variables should be passed by reference
Filename: models/evencal_model.php
Line Number: 12
File: C:\xampp\htdocs\backend_sales\application\models\evencal_model.php
Line: 12
Function: _error_handler
File: C:\xampp\htdocs\backend_sales\application\controllers\Evencal.php
Line: 124
Function: getDateEvent
File: C:\xampp\htdocs\backend_sales\index.php
Line: 315
Function: require_once
gan gimana agar mengubah kalender ini menjadi responsive, supaya bisa di buka lewat smarthphone juga?
BalasHapuscoba gabungkan dengan template bootstrap biar responsive
HapusAssalaamu'alaikum, kok Muncul Request unsuccessful: error saat add event